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KING Talks

Nov 15, 2018

Our latest guest is the host of BlackNews 102 and SaNeterTV.  Brother Sa Neter is an icon in the 'New Black Conscious Community'. We pull in our guy and prominent Urban Apologist, Adam Coleman, to guest host this episode. Adam and Sa discuss the Conscious Community and what attracted him to it. We also ask the question why the Conscious Community is so hostile toward the Christian Church and often label Christianity the 'slave-masters' religion and a possible pathway forward for changing that narrative. To cap it off, we reveal plans for an upcoming collaboration between K.I.N.G. and Sa Neter TV where leading scholars from the Christian and Conscious Community will hold a moderated debate for the public. This episode is important for so many reasons and represents a paradigm shift in the dialogue between Christians and the Conscious Community. Check it out!